Train Templates

You are asked to train templates if this is the first time using Guided Work or if you switch to a workflow that has new or different vocabulary items.

To avoid problems with poor speech recognition, perform template training in the work area where you are primarily working. Speak at the same volume level and in the same tone that you would while performing your job duties.

  1. The device says, “Please keep quiet for a few seconds.” A progress bar shows a background noise sample being conducted.

  2. The device says, “Please say zero.”
  3. Say “Zero.”
    The device says, “One.”
  4. Say “One.”
    The device says, “Two.”
  5. Say “Two.”
    The device says, “Please say the following words as they appear on the screen.”

As each word appears on the device display, say it to the device. The device displays the same word at least four times; repeat the word each time that it appears. If you see phrases, say the phrase naturally without exaggerated pauses between the words.

When the device has completed training, it says “Creating voice templates. Please wait.”

If you are in a workflow and find that the application consistently mishears a word, you can update that word with the update train option in the menu that is located on the top right of your device.